After getting my new iPhone 13 Pro yesterday, I was eager to try out the new camera which allows for macro photography. There is no need for any adapter lens anymore as the new iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max has an ultra wide camera that has a minimum focus distance of only 2 cm!

Macro closeup of a flower with iPhone 13 Pro

The first image is taken at the minimum focus distance. Note that at such close distance, light may be blocked so the image might suffer from some noise. Having a good source of light will be essential. However, as I was just testing this right after unboxing my new phone, that did not cross my mind.

When you shift the camera close enough, the phone will automatically activate the wide angle lens in macro mode
Switching to wide angle lens (0.5x), you will be able to take sharp photos with a minimum focusing distance of about 2cm.

The narrow depth of field is evident in the image above, as the words nearer than the focus distance and those further up are not in focus. This is normal of all macro lenses and enables macro photographers to draw attention to the features that are required. Perhaps an app that allows users to do focus stacking where a larger depth of field could bring everything into focus.

Zooming in to grains of sand on the beach allow us to see fine details

My children were playing with this Lego figurine on the beach in the morning. Notice the fine grains of sand that can be clearly seen even at a close distance.

The iPhone 13 Pro macro samples above would demonstrate the capabilities of the device in maintaining focus at close distance and high magnification.

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